oa Ideologies of interests. Uncovering ideology in early modern foreign policy - David Onnekink and Gijs Rommelse ed., Ideology and foreign policy in Early Modern Europe (1650-1750) (Ashgate Publishers; Surrey 2011) 320 p., ill., €126,95 ISBN 9781409419136
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, Volume 126, Issue 2, May 2013, p. 272 - 273
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Ideologies of interests. Uncovering ideology in early modern foreign policy - David Onnekink and Gijs Rommelse ed., Ideology and foreign policy in Early Modern Europe (1650-1750) (Ashgate Publishers; Surrey 2011) 320 p., ill., €126,95 ISBN 9781409419136, Page 1 of 1
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