oa Uwer Hoog Moogenden Onderdaenigsten Dienaers
Nederlandse consuls en Staatse diplomatie in Spanje, 1648-1661
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, Volume 127, Issue 4, Nov 2014, p. 649 - 672
Consuls and Dutch Diplomacy in Spain, 1648-1661
This article investigates the position of the consuls in the diplomatic network of the Dutch Republic as defenders of the interests of Dutch merchants and as quasi-public officials. Although consuls did not enjoy diplomatic status, Dutch consular practice in Spain between the Peace of Munster (1648) and 1661 shows that they were more than suppliers of economic, political, and military intelligence. Consuls were a vital connecting element in Dutch diplomacy and could affect the States General’s policy towards Spain by exerting influence on politicians at home and on Dutch diplomats abroad.
© 2014 Amsterdam University Press