oa Heren die parlementeren
Brabantse diplomatieke bedrijvigheid rond 1400
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, Volume 127, Issue 4, Nov 2014, p. 553 - 578
A passion for palaver. Brabantine diplomatic activity, c. 1400
Long before the Italian Renaissance laid the foundations of the modern diplomatic system, states maintained well-structured diplomatic relations. This article describes how these worked in practice between medium-sized territorial principalities. Its basis is the diplomatic paper trail left by two political issues c.1400 that caused much ado in the Low Countries: the attempts of Anthony of Burgundy, duke of Brabant and Limburg, to obtain the ducal title of Luxembourg, and the war between Albert I, duke of Bavaria, count of Holland, and his son Willem, count of Oostervant.
© 2014 Amsterdam University Press