oa Jane Whittle en Thijs Lambrecht (eds.), Labour Laws in Preindustrial Europe. The Coercion and Regulation of Wage Labour, c. 1350-1850 (The Boydell Press; Woodbridge, 2023) 266 p., ill., krt., £19.99 ISBN 9781783277681.
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, Volume 136, Issue 3, Dec 2023, p. 292 - 293
- 01 Dec 2023
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Jane Whittle en Thijs Lambrecht (eds.), Labour Laws in Preindustrial Europe. The Coercion and Regulation of Wage Labour, c. 1350-1850 (The Boydell Press; Woodbridge, 2023) 266 p., ill., krt., £19.99 ISBN 9781783277681., Page 1 of 1
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