Een theoretische en methodologische analyse van empirisch onderzoek naar psychisch welbevinden in zelfsturende teams | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online
Volume 17, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 0921-5077
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7235


A theoretical and methodological analysis of empirical studies on psychological well-being in self-managing teams

A theoretical and methodological analysis of empirical studies on psychological well-being in self-managing teams

H. van Mierlo, C.G. Rutte, M.A.J. Kompier, H.A.C.M. Doorewaard, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 17, February 2004, nr.1, pp 43-58.

In this review of literature we discuss 28 empirical studies on self-managing teams and psychological well-being. Taken together, these studies provide surprisingly little ground for general conclusions with regard to the effects of self-managing teams on the well-being of team members. The only variable that is consistently related to self-managing teamwork is job satisfaction. To gain insight in the possible causes for the lack of consistent results, the design of the studies is critically examined. It is concluded that researchers largely ignore the multilevel character of their research domain. Preliminary evidence is presented for the assumption that the inconsistent results may in part be explained by the way researchers deal with this multilevel character. It is therefore argued that future studies on self-managing teams and well-being should pay more attention to level issues, both in theoretical development and in data collection and statistical treatment.


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