De ontwikkeling van de RATOG: een screeningsinstrument voor de preventie van pesterijen op het werk | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online
Volume 21, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 0921-5077
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7235


Construction of a risk assessment tool to prevent workplace bullying

Construction of a risk assessment tool to prevent workplace bullying

E. Baillien, H. De Witte, G. Notelaers & I. Neyens, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 21, August 2008, nr. 3, pp. 254-278.

The aim of the current study was to develop a tool which helps organizations to prevent workplace bullying ('RATOG'). By measuring the most important antecedents of workplace bullying the tool indicates whether these antecedents have a safe, problematic or very problematic score. The tool was developed in two phases. In phase one, the most important antecedents of bullying were selected on the basis of a survey among employees of twenty Flemish organizations. These antecedents were role conflict, job insecurity, low social support from the colleagues, high frequency of conflict within the team, low employee-oriented organizational culture and low procedural justice. In the second phase, Relative Operating Characteristic analyses determined from which score these antecedents increased workplace bullying. The tool can be used to analyze an entire organization, large departments or smaller teams and contains 23 questions.


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