‘Livres de Musique’ in the Leufsta Library | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online
Volume 28 Number 1
  • ISSN: 1381-0065
  • E-ISSN: 2772-7726



The De Geer family established themselves in Sweden as iron industrialists during the early seventeenth century, but they maintained close contact with the Netherlands. The family built up a prestigious library at Leufstabruk, in northern Uppland. The objects in the Leufsta Music Collection contained a significant amount of music in the form of printed sheet music and manuscripts, which were most likely gathered during the long lifetime of baron Charles De Geer (1720-1778). Compared to the works he collected in his youth in the Netherlands, the printed scores linked to Charles De Geer’s later period in Sweden show a change of taste in both repertoire and collecting behavior. This article deals with the bindings of the sheet music in the Leufsta collection, which give us clues of both De Geer’s acquisition and his approach to his music scores from their purchase to binding, labelling, cataloguing and practical use.


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