oa Onderzoeksnotitie: Te laag opgeleiden en hun (on)welzijn in werk
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, Volume 25, Issue 4, Dec 2009,
Under qualified and their job-related well-being
Almost 10% of the Flemish working population indicates to be under qualified with respect to the job they occupy. In this explorative study, the work situation of the under qualified is compared to those who perceive themselves of being over qualified or in a situation of fit between educational and job level. As expected on the basis of P-E fit theory and the JD-R model, under qualified experience significantly higher levels of work pressure and work-home interference, and as a consequence, significantly higher levels of fatigue. Contrary to our expectations, the availability of informal learning opportunities for under qualified did not significantly buffer the health impairing effects of high work pressure.