oa Allochtonen en keuze voor technische opleidingen: een onbenut potentieel
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, Volume 26, Issue 1, Mar 2010,
Ethnic minorities and the choice for technical directions in education: an unutilised potential
There are a lot of studies which focus on the choice of technical directions within vocational education. But in these studies, little attention is given to the specific position of ethnic minorities. To what extent is their choice behaviour different? Statistical data show that ethnic minorities are underrepresented in technical directions in vocational education. A specific survey on backgrounds for this phenomenon shows that there is a relatively large group of ethnic minority students who do not choose for a technical direction, in spite of the fact that they have a talent in this direction and are interested in technology. This result holds in a multivariate analysis in which also several other factors are taken into account. We also investigate to what extent those with a technical direction in vocational education want to work in a technical profession and/or the manufacturing industry afterwards. Finally, a number of recommendations are given how to reach higher shares of ethnic minority students choosing technical directions.