oa De institutionele logica van de journalistiek: onderzoek naar het journalistieke veld in het spoor van Bourdieu
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, Volume 38, Issue 3, Sep 2010,
The institutional logics of journalism: studying the journalistic field in the wake of Bourdieu
This article considers several key concepts from Bourdieu’s theory of the cultural field and their significance for the study of journalism, including the tension between ‘heteronomy’ and ‘autonomy’, and the struggle between ‘established’ and ‘newcomers’. It is argued that the field approach can bridge the gap between macro-level analyses that view journalism as the product of wider societal, economic and political structures and microanalyses that tend to focus on individual news organizations and journalists without paying much attention to the wider institutional setting in which journalistic actors operate. In addition, it is argued that the field approach provides a useful framework for international comparative research into the workings of journalism.