Volume 39, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 1384-6930
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7286


The influence of idealised media images on the self-image of young girls: The positive moderating role of media awareness

The influence of idealised media images on the self-image of young girls: The positive moderating role of media awareness

This study examines the influence of idealised (extremely attractive) models appearing in beauty advertisements on the self-image of 10-13 year-old girls and investigates the possible protective role of media awareness. Model attractiveness (idealised vs. normally attractive) and media awareness (induced vs. not induced) were manipulated and self-image and internalisation of the Western beauty ideal were measured. Results show that after exposure to beauty advertisements with idealised models, girls with higher induced media awareness had a slightly more positive self-image than girls in whom media awareness was not induced. Moreover, this positive effect of media awareness was more pronounced within the group of girls who highly internalized the Western beauty ideal. It is concluded that media awareness can protect the self-image of young (vulnerable) girls who are exposed to idealised media images.


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