oa Seksuele objectivering in een vampierenromance
Een experimentele studie naar het effect van de film Twilight op zelfobjectivering bij adolescente meisjes
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, Volume 40, Issue 4, Dec 2012,
Sexual objectification in a vampire romance: An experimental study towards the effect of the movie Twilight on self-objectification among adolescent girls
The present study investigates whether self-objectification is induced by exposure to a popular, but sexually objectifying teenage movie (i.e. Twilight). To test this hypothesis, an experiment in 70 adolescent girls (Mage = 15,07, SDage = 1,51) was conducted. Results showed, first, a significant effect of the Twilight movie on self-objectification. Girls who had been exposed to Twilight reported a higher level of self-objectification in the posttest compared to the pretest and to the control group. Second, a significant interaction effect of exposure to Twilight and strong identification with the main character was found. Findings are discussed in light of objectification theory.