oa Genderbreuklijnen in transitie?
Een studie naar de gendergerelateerde gevolgen van de veranderende werkomstandigheden in de journalistiek
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, Volume 43, Issue 4, Dec 2015,
Gender divides in transition? A study on the gender-related consequences of the changing working conditions in journalism.
This paper sets out to examine recent changes in the journalistic profession from a gender perspective. Technological and economic changes have altered the working conditions of journalists. The study explores gender-related transitions in journalism. The research was based on three waves of survey research with Flemish professional journalists (2003-2008-2013). These data were combined with qualitative interviews with 22 journalists. The findings are mixed. On the one hand, the data show that traditional barriers for women in Flemish journalism are slowly disappearing. The analysis reveals that the numerical inequality between men and women is increasingly eliminated and that female journalists are making progress in gaining leadership positions. On the other hand, the results indicate that the increased awareness of work-life balance issues in journalism, is rarely translated into a newsroom policy, which still makes it hard for women to combine journalism with a family.