The Kingdom of God in Rechenschaft vom Glauben | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online
Volume 31 Number 2
  • ISSN: 0960-2720
  • E-ISSN: 2666-9730



The 2021 republication of the German Baptist statement of faith, (first published in 1977), affords an opportunity to reflect on its wider significance beyond Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Having undertaken a detailed and methodical study of the text and context of the it is my conviction that this Baptist confession of faith retains its relevance today. Taking the kingdom of God as my point of departure, I offer both a descriptive elucidation and a critical appraisal of the . My main aim is to bring this key Baptist confession to the attention of English-speaking evangelical theologians and church leaders throughout Europe and to encourage them to follow the lead of the in its insistence that the kingdom of God constitutes the central reference point for evangelical theology.


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