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- Volume 31, Issue 2, 2022
European Journal of Theology - Volume 31, Issue 2, 2022
Volume 31, Issue 2, 2022
Die narratologische Exegese alttestamentlicher Erzähltexte
More LessSummaryThe topic of the present article is the literary exegesis of Old Testament narratives, in particular the story of Jacob in Genesis 25–49. It looks at new perspectives emerging from the exegetical examination of two key passages (Gen 28:10–22 und Gen 35:1–15) which play a salient role in the Jacob narrative. Two questions are discussed in particular: how does the story portray Jacob and what function is assigned to Jacob in these episodes of his encounter with God? The article affirms that the narrative describes Jacob as a link in the patriarchal chain Abraham – Isaac – Jacob, and that the description of him is not purely negative but in a complex narrative fashion embedded in the framework of the larger story.
Reconsidering the Sensus Divinitatis in the Light of the Semen Religionis: John Calvin and Non-Christian Religion
By Iain McGeeSummaryJohn Calvin’s references to the sensus divinitatis in the Institutes have been variously understood and applied. This article considers four interpretations of Calvin’s meaning and use of the term and critically evaluates these against his comments on enlightenment by the Logos in the prologue of the Gospel of John, and his thoughts on idolatry and non-Christian religion. In light of the analyses, I propose an alternative interpretation of the usage of the term, namely that Calvin employed it to stand in opposition to and in ongoing tension with the fruit of the semen religionis – namely idolatrous religion. I argue that this particular reading of Calvin’s adoption and adaptation of Stoic terminology has certain advantages over alternative readings, given his opposition to the religious hypocrisy of the Roman Catholic Church of his era.
The Kingdom of God in Rechenschaft vom Glauben
More LessSummaryThe 2021 republication of the German Baptist statement of faith, Rechenschaft vom Glauben (first published in 1977), affords an opportunity to reflect on its wider significance beyond Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Having undertaken a detailed and methodical study of the text and context of the Rechenschaft vom Glauben, it is my conviction that this Baptist confession of faith retains its relevance today. Taking the kingdom of God as my point of departure, I offer both a descriptive elucidation and a critical appraisal of the Rechenschaft. My main aim is to bring this key Baptist confession to the attention of English-speaking evangelical theologians and church leaders throughout Europe and to encourage them to follow the lead of the Rechenschaft in its insistence that the kingdom of God constitutes the central reference point for evangelical theology.
The Invisible Women. Female Participation in Church Leadership in the Dutch Evangelical Movement
More LessSummaryThe question discussed in this article is: To what extent does church policy and structure influence the transformative process to include women in governance and spiritual leadership in Evangelical churches in the Netherlands? Transformative processes are complicated and take time, as is the case with the inclusion of women in leadership roles in the Dutch Evangelical Movement. Although the congregational, grassroots structure of the local churches could be an advantage, this article argues that it can also complicate such a process of change. The current situation of the Dutch Evangelical Movement is described through the study of (policy) documents, websites and interviews concerning women in leadership. A comparison with a particular Reformed denomination enables a discussion of structural strengths and weaknesses. Although there are hardly any objections to female leadership at the denominational level, the interviews reveal possible reasons why the inclusion of women in the offices of the local churches is such a slow process. This topic should be the subject of further study.
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