Volume 56, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1876-9071
  • E-ISSN: 2214-5729



The Dutch press at the end of the 18th century played a crucial role in the political changes in the Netherlands. At that time, the society was divided into two oppositional groups, namely the patriots and the orangists. Their leaders made use of numerous journals to present their vision about the future of the state. One of those journals, called (1782-1787), combined the idea of freedom with detailed plans, which consisted of several changes in the relation between the government and the society. One of the key term of the articles written by Jan Hespe, the editor of the journal, was the freedom of the press. Hespe criticized the censorship of the Orange House and used therefore many rhetorical devices and figures, based on the classical rules of Quintilians . In my article, I analyse how Hespes texts relate to the ; what kind of rhetorical devices the editor of used to attract his readers and to convince them to his vision of the free Dutch Republic.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): enlightenment; freedom of the press; orangists; patriots; political struggle; press; rhetoric
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