Volume 56, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1876-9071
  • E-ISSN: 2214-5729



In 1996, Monika Fludernik published the book in which she introduces a new narratological model. The ‘natural narratology’ mainly deals with the way people process narratives on a cognitive level. According to Fludernik, the cognitive frames by which human beings impose narrativity on certain types of discourse, are grounded in real-life, i.e. ‘natural’, experiences. Such an assumption has contributed to the creation of the ‘unnatural narratology’, a narratological model that focuses on the ‘unnaturalness’ of many narratives. The previously mentioned narratological models may be useful while discussing strange elements in narrative texts. In addition, the ‘natural narratology’ also offers an explanation of how readers could make those elements seem ‘natural’ again.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): C.C. Krijgelmans; De goede herder; natural narratology; unnatural narratology
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