Volume 49, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1876-9071
  • E-ISSN: 2214-5729


This article offers an interpretation of three poems that in their title refer to Paul Celan. This evokes a theoretical reflection on the question who is responsible for the intertextuality: the author, the text or the reader. With Eco’s notion of the intentio operis it is argued that the text itself contains signals that legitimize an intertextual reading. Then, with Riffaterre, the question is answered how to discover less explicite references and architexts. In the analysis of the poems of J. Bernlef, Jan Kuijper and Peter Theunynck I will indicate which verses of Celan they are referring to and how these verses function in the new text. In addition to this it is investigated how these poems fit into the poetics of their authors. Finally the different images of Celan that these poems create are discussed. In the conclusion I will return to the theoretical starting point of the article to determine the role of the reader in the intertextual reading.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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