oa De auteur en beeldende kunstenaar Armando in de jaren 1954-1960: de beginjaren van een multitalent
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Internationale Neerlandistiek, Volume 49, Issue 3, Oct 2011, p. 225 - 235
In this paper, an attempt is made to sketch the first years of the artistic career of the Dutch writer and painter Armando (1929) in relation to the scrapbooks he made himself from 1954 to 1973. In addition to an introduction to the themes and works of this multi-talented artist, the paper confirms that the scrapbooks, especially the first that was made in 1954-1960, illustrate the image of an aggressive and provocative Armando. Frustration about negative criticism of his poems has lead to aggression and bolstering this attitude in the composition of the scrapbook.
© 2011 Amsterdam University Press