oa 1973 - Congres Modernism in the Low Countries 1915-1930, georganiseerd door Edgar Poleme en Francis Bulhof, University of Texas at Austin, 15-17 oktober; resulterend in Francis Bulhof (red.), Nijhoff, Van Ostaijen, ‘De Stijl’. Modernism in the Netherlands and Belgium in the first quarter of the 20th century. Six essays. Den Haag, Nijhoff, 1976
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Internationale Neerlandistiek, Volume 50, Issue 1, Jan 2012, p. 36 - 38
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1973 - Congres Modernism in the Low Countries 1915-1930, georganiseerd door Edgar Poleme en Francis Bulhof, University of Texas at Austin, 15-17 oktober; resulterend in Francis Bulhof (red.), Nijhoff, Van Ostaijen, ‘De Stijl’. Modernism in the Netherlands and Belgium in the first quarter of the 20th century. Six essays. Den Haag, Nijhoff, 1976, Page 1 of 1
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