oa Etnografisch onderzoek in de ‘eigen setting’: Twee opportunistische onderzoeken naar stigmatisering in Nederland
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: KWALON, Volume 27, Issue 3, Dec 2022, p. 203 - 212
- 01 Dec 2022
Ethnograpic research in your ‘own setting’. Two opportunistic studies of stigmatization in the Netherlands.
In this article, the authors discuss their own experiences with doing opportunistic ethnography: doing participant observations in a familiar setting in which you are already an ordinary participant. On the one hand, they elaborate on the advantages, such as skipping the time-consuming and uncertain challenge of getting access and gaining trust. On the other, they discuss some risks involved with this ‘at-home’ ethnography, such as not seeing the taken for granted and going native, while presenting some field work solutions to these problems. They conclude that opportunistic ethnography only works in specific social contexts, demands a specific attitude from the researcher and should more often be applied. In this way that unique access to settings is taken advantage of and the ordinary of everyday life is not being ignored.