Volume 27 Number 3
  • ISSN: 1385-1535
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7324



Participatory action research, (extreme) citizen science, living labs or other forms of research with patients or citizen participation continues to grow in popularity. While these research approaches embrace inclusiveness, social justice, and co-ownership, they are not necessarily “ethical”. Ethical issues regularly arise in everyday practice, surrounding partnership, collaboration and power. My PhD made me aware that researchers who conduct participatory research should be mindful of the daily ethical considerations and attention to do the “right” thing. Reflection on dilemmas (together with co-researchers) helps raise awareness and provides direction for appropriate actions.


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  1. Groot, B.C. (2021) Participatory Health Research: reflections on ethics, roles, and responsibilities. Insights from a reflective journey. Dissertation. VU University, the Netherlands. https://research.vu.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/123135037/B+C++Groot-Sluijsmans+-+thesis.pdf.
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