oa Ditransitieve constructies in het Nederlands: semasiologische en onomasiologische kwesties
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Nederlandse Taalkunde, Volume 17, Issue 3, Dec 2012, p. 345 - 361
This paper presents a construction-based exploration of a number of formal and semantic issues surrounding the Dutch double object and prepositional dative constructions. The first part of the paper deals with the formal demarcation of these constructions vis-à-vis other three-place argument structure constructions. The second part discusses diachronic shifts and synchronic variation in the constructional semantics of the double object pattern, the third part briefly looks into the semantic relation between the double object construction and the prepositional dative. The overall aim of the paper is to give a general impression of the way such issues are dealt with in construction grammar.
© 2012 Amsterdam University Press