oa Adverbs in Strange Places
On the Syntax of Adverbs in Dutch
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Nederlandse Taalkunde, Volume 23, Issue 1, Mar 2018, p. 57 - 88
This paper discusses four Dutch constructions in which adverbs occur in marked syntactic positions: (i) Adverbs that occur in an embedded clause but must be interpreted in the main clause; (ii) Adverbs that occur in the main clause but can be interpreted in the embedded clause; (iii) Extraposed adverbs; (iv) Predicate adverbs that occur in the position of sentence adverbs. These phenomena provide evidence for an analysis of adverb placement in Dutch along the lines of the Cinque hierarchy (Cinque 1999), supplemented with the traditional split between sentence adverbs and predicate adverbs (Jackendoff 1972). A new analysis is proposed for the bridge verbs denken ‘think’ and willen ‘want’ in which they move from a position in the embedded clause into the matrix clause.