Volume 24, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1384-5845
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1171



The linguistic expression of aspectuality poses a challenge for linguistic research of Dutch, because the language does not have a grammaticalized means of expression exclusively for this purpose. Instead, its expression appears to be highly diffuse. This study investigates the expression of one type of aspectuality in Dutch, namely durative aspect, which is highly grammaticalized in Mandarin Chinese. Through the method of parallel text analysis, this feature of Mandarin is employed instrumentally in mapping out the expression of durative aspect in Dutch both quantitatively and qualitatively, in terms of Construction Grammar. Theoretical and methodological considerations are also explored: it is proposed that the present method is best termed parallel analysis, differentiating it from parallel approaches; and it is argued that a quantitative overview should be complemented by a qualitative component. Finally, the results – expressional categories notated as (partially) schematic constructions – are compared with existing models, specifically that of the (ANS), concluding that the durativity of posture constructions, the perfect, and pluractionality should be integrated into its account.


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