oa Licht en recht
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Nederlandse Taalkunde, Volume 25, Issue 2-3, Oct 2020, p. 305 - 317
- 01 Oct 2020
Light and right
The adjectives licht and recht can be used as adverbs of degree; they can also be used to express a negative-polar meaning in combination with a restricted number of verbs. In this squib, we will focus on the negative-polar and collocational properties of licht and recht by means of corpus data. Licht is shown to be associated with futural clauses, often in combination with the verb vergeten ‘to forget’, while recht is associated with cognitive verbs, especially weten ‘to know’, begrijpen ‘to understand’ and verstaan ‘to understand’.
© 2020 Amsterdam University Press