Volume 25, Issue 2-3
  • ISSN: 1384-5845
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1171



This study aims to discuss libfixing as a non-morphemic process of word formation. Libfixes are ‘liberated’ elements that originate from the reanalysis of existing words, usually opaque forms or blends. A well-known example of a libfix is - from , whose borrowing and spreading in Dutch has been discussed by Hüning (2000). Among the other examples that are discussed are English - as in , - as in and Dutch - as in and - as in . This contribution shows how widespread the process of libfixing is. Moreover, it is claimed that libfixing operates systematically and can therefore be a subject of morphological analysis and theory. In addition, it is shown in this analysis that it is irrelevant whether a new formation is consciously formed or that it is the result of an unconscious productive process. What counts is whether the neologism is acceptable as a word in the language in question. Examples that are discussed in this article come from English and Dutch.


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