Volume 25, Issue 2-3
  • ISSN: 1384-5845
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1171



Schermer-Vermeer (2001Verhagen (2003a)

This article looks back on the articles by Schermer-Vermeer (2001) and Verhagen (2003a), on the double object construction and a Dutch equivalent of the English ‘way’-construction, respectively, which can be considered the first two articles to have appeared in that address problems of Dutch grammar from an explicitly constructionist perspective. I illustrate how, on the basis of data from a large web corpus such as NLCOW14, the formal and semantic analyses offered in the two articles can be refined in a number of ways, but I also show that they include hypotheses and ideas that are still most relevant and relate to topical discussions in construction grammar.


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