Volume 76, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0039-8691
  • E-ISSN: 2215-1214



This paper investigates the phenomena of language choice and language shift in the extensive archives of the Luzac family, a family of Huguenot migrants based in the Dutch city of Leiden. Spanning the late seventeenth to the mid-nineteenth centuries, the archival material is examined from two complementary angles in order to gain insights into the historical multilingualism of the Northern Netherlands. We first present a macrolevel analysis of the family archives in their entirety, diachronically and across domains. We then take a more qualitative, micro-level perspective on the private family correspondence of three generations. Despite some methodological challenges, the study of a family archive as a multilingual ‘microcosm’ proves to be a fruitful approach to investigate the linguistic choices of originally French(-speaking) migrants in a historically Dutch(-speaking) environment. More generally, this case study demonstrates the dynamics and the complexity of individual and societal multilingualism, language choice and language shift.


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