Volume 76, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0039-8691
  • E-ISSN: 2215-1214



In this article, we report on an assessment-experiment in which we gauge two aspectual predictors of non-standard -support in Netherlandic Dutch: a habitual context (‘ik doe dan altijd bijles geven’ – I usually provide tutoring then) and a progressive context (‘ik doe nu huiswerk maken’ – I am currently doing my homework). We elicited scaled acceptability-judgments from 99 respondents, as well as free-response-evaluations, consisting of the first three words which came to mind when reacting to -support stimuli. The scaled judgments showed (1) that habitual aspect is a strong predictor of -support, (2) that -support is evaluated lower than standard alternatives, but rejected categorically, and (3) that it is mainly older respondents who prefer -support. The free responses confirm these tendencies, but enrich the picture, because they reflect regional indexicality (“Brabantish”, “South”) and more general / positive categorizations (“Dutch”), but also ideological rejection in variable degrees of aggression (“stupid”, “horrible”, “chav”).


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