oa Als de lichten doven
Vuurtorens als beeldbepalend landschappelijk element
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Historische Geografie, Volume 7, Issue 4, Dec 2022, p. 311 - 321
- 01 Dec 2022
When the lights go out
Lighthouses as an iconic landscape element
In September 2021, the cast-iron Kijkduin lighthouse near Den Helder, also known as ‘Lange Jaap’ (or ‘Long Jack’), made the news of the day. The news of the lighthouse’s imminent risk of collapse drew many reactions from Den Helder residents. The lighthouse turned out to be a landscape icon in the region, which local residents felt strongly connected to. The issues related to Lange Jaap are not an isolated case. Lighthouses are increasingly losing their primary function as beacons for ships. Modern means of navigation are taking over. Therefore, we need a vision on the preservation and redevelopment of this nautical heritage. This article deals with the history of the beacons and lighthouses and their maintenance. It also covers the importance of lighthouses as a striking element in the Dutch coastal landscape over time. In doing so, it becomes clear how lighthouses are connected to the people living in their vicinity and that these beacons of light should be preserved for the future.