oa ‘Geskiedenis vir almal’ - Een analyse van het geschiedenisonderwijs in Zuid-Afrika sinds 1948
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, Volume 124, Issue 1, Feb 2011, p. 84 - 97
During apartheid, the teaching of history was used to promote the government’s interpretation of the national past. All textbooks were based on a restricted selection of sources made by a national committee. In this way the government made sure that only the Afrikaner interpretation of history was reflected in the history handbooks. When more recent history was discussed, the apartheid system was justified and the opposition discredited as communist. These textbooks purported to present a factual survey of the past, and they contained no sources. In spite of progress in the development of South African textbooks, not all problems in history education have been resolved. Apartheid has left the country with differences that are not easy to overcome. The way the curriculum is presented in the classrooms depends on many factors. Apart from the textbook, the teacher plays an important role, and this is where problems arise. The majority of teachers were trained and began teaching in times when censorship was a daily occurrence. These teachers therefore need training if they are to keep up with new approaches to the history of South Africa.