oa Getuigen van (anti-)Apartheid - De camera als verbindend element tussen Nederland en Zuid-Afrika
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, Volume 124, Issue 1, Feb 2011, p. 64 - 83
This article examines how the politics of apartheid manifested itself in networks that linked South Africa with the Netherlands. It examines the transfer of narratives, images, ideas, and political practices within a transnational kinship network, as well as through a network of political activists. The film material of a Dutch documentary maker, especially the footage including his relatives from South Africa, is used to trace these transnational dynamics. It reveals the various ways in which his relatives presented as normal their privileged position as whites in South Africa, and how the film-maker reformulated their performances within a different political discourse as part of a critical narrative. The political and moral dillemas this involved are still felt today.