oa De Nederlandse revolutie in dorp en stad
Lokale geschiedschrijving over de patriots-Bataafse tijd, 1875 tot heden
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, Volume 130, Issue 4, Nov 2017, p. 565 - 591
The Dutch revolution in village and town. Local history-writing on the Patriot-Batavian era, 1875 to the present
The Dutch revolution has been a particularly appealing subject for local historians. Since the last quarter of the nineteenth century, historians have produced numerous studies dealing with the Patriot era (c. 1780-87), the Batavian revolution (c. 1795-1801), or the wider revolutionary era, largely from a local perspective. In this contribution I identify key works, overarching themes, and historiographical trends. I have tried also to consider non-professional historical studies, often written in the context of local history societies and published in local history journals, that rarely attract the interest of academic scholarship. As professional historians have established in smaller-scale comparative studies, the revolution meant different things in different localities, but we lack a coherent picture of what the revolutionary map of the Netherlands looked like and why. The non-professional tradition of local history-writing can help to answer these questions.