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KWALON - Volume 27, Issue 2, 2022
Volume 27, Issue 2, 2022
Marathon of wandeling?
Authors: Jeanine Evers & Hans NeyndorffAbstractRunning a marathon or taking a walk? The qualitative interview versus consultation in the mental healthcare system
There are several similarities between an interview for qualitative research and the first consultation in mental healthcare. Yet there are also important differences. This paper explores these factors within the context of an interview or an intake within the mental care system and proposes considerations for improving the quality of mental healthcare consultations.
De etnografische casestudy-methode in de studie van ondernemersgedrag
More LessAbstractThe ethnographic case study method in the social study of entrepreneurship
This article discusses the merits of the ethnographic case study method with special reference to the social study of entrepreneurial behaviour. It does that by scrutinizing three important methodological problems that usually crop up in case study research concerning entrepreneurship: (a) how the case refers to broader, more abstract frames of reference (or: its generalizability); (b) the role of observation in constructing the social facts that are represented in the case; and (c) how to generate social theory based on the detailed descriptions that are typical of case study reporting. The article concludes with a short discussion of the place of ethnographic case study research in the broader, social science landscape, thereby subscribing to an image of professional collaboration that resembles a symphony orchestra.
Ethisch verantwoord onderzoek aan de hand van posts op social media
Authors: Wyke J.P. Stommel & Lynn E.M. de RijkAbstractEthically responsible research of posts on social media: How to discuss it with the users of a platform?
In discourse analysis, it is common to examine social media data without informing users and without asking for their consent. However, ethics are increasingly considered to be important. In this paper, we reflect on a method to develop more ethically sensitive approaches in discourse analysis by taking the users’ opinions and views into consideration. We approached Facebook, Reddit, Twitter and Instagram users in order to start a conversation with them about their views on research into their posts. In this paper, we reflect on our attempts to involve users in a conversation and what this might imply for discourse analysis of social media.
Photovoice in onderwijs
Authors: Anne Decelle, Leen Alaerts & Ruth WoutersAbstractPhotovoice as a data collection method for quality control in secondary schools: “You could also take the elevator, but you wouldn’t be challenging yourself”
Schools are expected to invest in a systematic and structural improvement of their educational practices. Recently, schools are being given more autonomy in this process of quality control and hence are looking for ways to fulfill this task in data-informed ways. Digital environments such as Smartschool Analytics and Dataloop provide schools with mainly quantitative data. The research project described in this article – the practical research project Eerste graad vernieuwen (“Innovation of junior high schools”) explores the use of qualitative data collection methods within school quality-control systems. To this end, the project focuses on the innovation process in secondary education following the implementation of new curriculum attainment standards in 2019. This gradual process of educational innovation intends to lead to a socially more relevant system of education with more attention to each student’s individual needs. Hence junior high schools (for pupils age 12 to 14) started implementing innovative educational practices such as project learning, optional courses, flexible learning time, remedial activities and study orientation activities. The research project described in this article aimed at an evaluation of these educational practices. This article reflects on the use of one specific data collection method (photovoice) within the context of quality control in five innovative schools in Flanders, Belgium.
Volumes & issues
Volume 29 (2024)
Volume 28 (2023)
Volume 27 (2022)
Volume 26 (2021)
Volume 25 (2020)
Volume 24 (2019)
Volume 23 (2018)
Volume 22 (2017)
Volume 21 (2016)
Volume 20 (2015)
Volume 19 (2014)
Volume 18 (2013)
Volume 17 (2012)
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Volume 15 (2010)
Volume 14 (2009)
Volume 13 (2008)
Volume 12 (2007)
Volume 11 (2006)
Volume 10 (2005)
Volume 9 (2004)
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