Hoe willen werknemers na hun pensioen blijven werken? | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online
Volume 25, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 0921-5077
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7235


After-retirement work profiles: how do employees want to continue working after retirement?

After-retirement work profiles: how do employees want to continue working after retirement?

This paper investigates employees’ preferences for working after their retirement age and the (personal and organizational) factors that are related to those preferences. The study was conducted among 474 employees of three elderly care organizations. The results demonstrated that there are four after retirement work-profiles, namely: a work-profile in which the employee prefers to (1) work less; (2) keep the existing work-profile more or less the same, (3) modify the content of their work, (4) change the work context. Further analyses demonstrated that with increasing age, preferences to change the content of the work or the context of the work decrease. Contrarily, employees with a higher education have the preference for a work-profile with modified work content and have higher preference to work in another work context after their retirement. Further, the results displayed that employees who experience an accommodative organizational climate want to modify their job tasks and prefer to work somewhere else. Contrastingly, employees that experience a development organizational climate and psychological contract fulfillment want to modify their work involvement as little as possible.


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