Neuromodulatie en narratieve identiteit | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online
Volume 110, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 0002-5275
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1244



In this paper, I discuss the impact of psychological and relational changes after neuromodulation for movement- and psychiatric disorders and the need to adequately address the possibility of such changes in clinical contexts. Based on Focquaert and Schermer (2015), Goddard (2017) and Baylis (2013), I outline a relational narrative identity perspective that can inform and support medical-ethical decisions. The narrative identity theory by Marya Schechtman in combination with a focus on the relational aspects that impact and constitute our identity, highlights the need to identify post-interventional identity changes both from the perspective of the patient, his or her family and loved ones and the medical team. I argue that a thorough informed consent process pre- and post-intervention and adequate psychological counseling allows for such identification and a step by step monitoring and guiding of the patient in this process. From a relational narrative perspective, neuromodulation does not by default pose a threat to our identity. However, this perspective highlights the need to take the relational autonomy of patients seriously and provide a substantial informed consent procedure and adequate psychological counseling.


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