Over ‘caritas’ en de belofte van de ‘juiste intentie’ | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online
Volume 111, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 0002-5275
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1244



In classical Just War texts, the criterion of ‘right intent’ is considered a key concept with regard to the justice of a war as such, since it refers to the basic disposition from which the other criteria ( as well as and ) should be applied. However, in current JW debates, determined to a large extent by Traditionalists and Revisionists, the importance of this key concept threatens to disappear from view. This article aims to show the relevance of further reflection on the role and meaning of the criterion of ‘right intent’ using classical JW insights and in particular Hannah Arendt’s analysis of Augustine’s concept of ‘caritas’, given the political relevance of this concept as pointed out by Arendt. The criterion of ‘right intent’ is closely connected to Arendt’s distinction between power and violence and her principle of the right to have rights. Right intent, as a virtue, based on and inspired by caritas, in more contemporary discourse, a humanitarian ethos, implies the promise of the application of the JW criteria that were originally formulated precisely for that reason.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): caritas; Hannah Arendt; Just War; right intent
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