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- Volume 22, Issue 1, 2006
Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken - Volume 22, Issue 1, 2006
Volume 22, Issue 1, 2006
Inleiding: Opkomende thema's in arbeid
More LessVorig jaar werd in Japan de tweede conferentie over 'Psychosociale factoren in het werk' gehouden. Het ging daar met name over onderwerpen als stress en burn-out, ziekteverzuim, re-integratie ('return to work'), ongevalsrisico's, werktijden en overwerk, de 'work-life balance', het bekende Job Demands-Job Control-model en allerlei interventiestudies. Naar mijn smaak waren daar de 'emerging issues':
Werkdruk in Europa: omvang, ontwikkelingen en verklaringen
Authors: Irene Houtman, Peter Smulders & Ruurt van den BergWork pressure in Europe: extent, trends and explanationsWork pressure in Europe: extent, trends and explanations
In order to (1) describe the extent of, and developments in high work pace within Europe, (2) position the Netherlands on work pace, and (3) identify causes of work pace in Europe, data from the European Working Conditions Survey are analysed that contain information on work and health from a representative sample of workers in EU member states in 1990, 1995 and 2000. The sample was about 1000-1500 workers per member state each year.
About 60% works at a high pace for at least 50% of their working time (in 2000: EU = 59%, NL= 68%). This was much higher than in the early 90's.
High work pace was explained by high physical job demands, job complexity and working with the computer. High work pace in men is explained by long working hours and tele-working as well, which is non-significant for women. High work pace in low income jobs is determined by high physical load, monotonous work and working non-standard hours.
Eurofocus: Europese ondernemingsraden
More LessThe work load of disabled and healthy workers comparedThe work load of disabled and healthy workers compared
We investigate how disabled workers compared with non-disabled workers on how they experience their work load. We use the 2000-2004 Dutch Labour Force Survey (EBB) data with respect to 'having to use force at work', 'working under noisy conditions' and 'working under time pressure'.
Having to use force declines from 2000 up to 2003 in both categories but increases in 2004. Working under noisy conditions does not change much. Working under time pressure declines in the 5-year period, both among disabled and non-disabled workers.
Our main finding is that disabled workers experience their work load as more demanding than workers without a handicap or workers with a handicap that doesn't hinder them while working. Our logistic regression analyses, in which we control for age, gender, education, professional attainment, and sector of employment, show that the differences found may only partly be explained by these control variables. Thus, differences between the two categories remain significant.
Our data do not allow us to conclude that disabled workers' jobs are objectively more demanding. We may conclude, however, that disabled workers experience their job as more demanding than more healthy groups of workers. Since demanding working conditions have been shown to lead (disabled) workers to leave the labour market earlier, we suggest that the more demanding experienced working conditions among disabled workers may be an important reason for their labour market participation to fall back during the last years.
Arbeidsbelasting van arbeidsgehandicapte en gezonde werknemers: vergelijking en trend 2000-2004
Authors: Jos M.A.F. Sanders & Jan J.M. BesselingThe work load of disabled and healthy workers comparedThe work load of disabled and healthy workers compared
We investigate how disabled workers compared with non-disabled workers on how they experience their work load. We use the 2000-2004 Dutch Labour Force Survey (EBB) data with respect to 'having to use force at work', 'working under noisy conditions' and 'working under time pressure'.
Having to use force declines from 2000 up to 2003 in both categories but increases in 2004. Working under noisy conditions does not change much. Working under time pressure declines in the 5-year period, both among disabled and non-disabled workers.
Our main finding is that disabled workers experience their work load as more demanding than workers without a handicap or workers with a handicap that doesn't hinder them while working. Our logistic regression analyses, in which we control for age, gender, education, professional attainment, and sector of employment, show that the differences found may only partly be explained by these control variables. Thus, differences between the two categories remain significant.
Our data do not allow us to conclude that disabled workers' jobs are objectively more demanding. We may conclude, however, that disabled workers experience their job as more demanding than more healthy groups of workers. Since demanding working conditions have been shown to lead (disabled) workers to leave the labour market earlier, we suggest that the more demanding experienced working conditions among disabled workers may be an important reason for their labour market participation to fall back during the last years.
Het bevorderen van professionele expertise door functieverbetering
More LessThe development of professional expertise by job improvementThe development of professional expertise by job improvement
This article gives several outcomes of a study regarding the development of occupational expertise. The aim of the research part that is described in this contribution deals with finding out whether particular job-related factors within the domain of Socio-Technical System-Design (STSD) like job latitude, the learning value of the job, and job satisfaction, influence the development of occupational knowledge, skills and competencies throughout the career. Our sample consists of 559 employees, and 454 of their direct supervisors, working at middle and higher level jobs in large Dutch working organizations. Theoretical contributions from learning theory, Human Resource Management, and occupational and organizational psychology have been used to develop a theory about expertise building in careers. By providing more insight into the relationships between job-related factors on the one hand, and the development of occupational expertise on the other hand, this study is aimed to contribute to the increase of knowledge in the domain of adult development and education. Our study shows that attention for the content of individual jobs is very important in the light of a further development of employees. In particular the amount of job latitude seems to be an important predictor in the light of expertise growth. The article also pays attention to age-related stereotyping in competence assessments by direct supervisors.
Bevorderen onderhandelingsvaardigheden en taakautonomie goede arbeidsrelaties?
More LessDe auteur dankt Anneke Goudswaard, Rien Huiskamp, Karolus Kraan, Aukje Nauta, Ernest de Vroome (TNO) en Matthee Reijnders en Peter Verboon (Open Universiteit Nederland) voor hun commentaar.
Onderwijs en arbeidsmarkt: Zandkastelen
More LessEen tijdje geleden was ik aanwezig bij de feestelijke opening van een nieuw gebouw van onze faculteit. Bij het etentje 's avonds raakte ik in gesprek met de bouwmeester en vroeg hem: 'Dus je wilde altijd al architect worden?' Zoals zo vaak bleek het allemaal anders te zijn gelopen.
De callcenterbranche in de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt en arbeidsverhoudingen
Authors: Andries de Grip, Inge Sieben & Danielle Van JaarsveldThe callcenter sector in the Netherlands' labour market and labour relationsThe callcenter sector in the Netherlands' labour market and labour relations
In this article, we analyze whether the Dutch labour market for callcenter agents is a segmented market, and whether this is related to the need to have a flexible workforce. Moreover, we discuss the degree to which labour market segmentation is embedded in Dutch labour relations. Both the results of our survey among callcenter managers and the additional qualitative information we derived from several case-studies reveal that the Dutch labor market for callcenter agents is a secondary labour market. Moreover, we find evidence that within this secondary segment, further segmentation exists between in-house callcenters and subcontractors, where the latter offer less attractive jobs. The duality of the labour market for call center agents is strongly related to callcenters' flexibility needs. This dual nature of the labour market is also reflected in labour relations. Agents employed in in-house call centers are more likely to be covered by their firm's or sectoral Collective Labour Agreement (CLA), whereas subcontractors have created a new sector of industry with its own CLA that covers all subcontractors by law. Compared to other countries, this regulation of labour relations is unique. However, the recent CLA between the subcontracting callcenters employers' organization, and a new union of Telecom workers shows that a CLA in a sector of industry that employs its workforce in the lower tier of a secondary labour market may have repercussions for Dutch labour relations.
More LessDe arbeidsmarktpositie van vrouwen is reeds geruime tijd onderwerp van onderzoek. Uit eerder onderzoek blijkt dat het krijgen van kinderen een moment is waarop vrouwen hun arbeidsmarktpositie tegen het licht houden en verschillende keuzes maken (stoppen met werken, deeltijdwerk). De langetermijneffecten van deze keuzes zijn echter onderbelicht gebleven. In dit rapport gaan de onderzoekers daar dieper op in door de arbeidsmarktpositie van vrouwen te relateren aan de arbeidsmarktkeuzes rond de geboorte van het eerste kind. Daarbij maken ze gebruik van gegevens uit het Onderzoek Gezinsvorming van verschillende jaren. Hiermee kunnen de langetermijngevolgen van gemaakte arbeidsmarktkeuzes goed worden geanalyseerd door een gedetailleerd beeld te schetsen van zowel de leeftijds- als cohorteffecten van de geboorte van kinderen op de arbeidsloopbaan van vrouwen. De belangrijkste conclusie is dat met het verstrijken der jaren de verschillen in arbeidsdeelname en beloning tussen vrouwen die verschillende keuzes hebben gemaakt, afvlakken. Dat geldt voor oudere, maar vooral voor jongere generaties vrouwen die de 'schade' op voorhand beperken door vaker te blijven werken bij de geboorte van een kind.
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