oa Wie kan en wil doorwerken tot 65-jarige leeftijd?
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, Volume 24, Issue 1, Mar 2008,
Who can and wants to work till retirement age?
In a representative sample of more than 23.000 employees we explored to what extent work characteristics, personal characteristics, the home situation and health predict if employees (1) are able to continue working in their current job till the retirement age (65 years), and (2) are willing to do so. The results of the secondary analyses, which were conducted for employees in the age of 20 till 60 years old, showed that the main predictors for the ability to work until retirement are favourable working conditions (low job demands and physical demands, high autonomy and opportunities to grow) and good health. In addition, it turns out that that especially employees who were able to work until retirement age and single employees were willing to work until retirement. The role of working conditions is limited.