oa Communicatie met Nederlandse en Turkse patiënten in de huisartsenpraktijk
Een exploratief onderzoek naar verschillen in informatie- en participatiebehoeften
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, Volume 38, Issue 1, Mar 2010,
Communication with Dutch and Turkish general practitioner patients: an exploratory study on differences in information and participation preferences
Intercultural doctor-patient communication is often less adequate than intracultural communication. In order to explore this problem, differences were studied between Dutch and Turkish patients in their information and participation preferences. Six general practitioners and 62 patients participated in the study (35 Dutch, 27 Turkish). Two surveys were used: one directly before and one after the consultation. Results show that both groups report high information preferences, but the groups differ in sort of preferred information. Additionally, the discrepancies between information preferences and the actual information provision during the consultation were found to be larger in the Dutch group than in the Turkish group. However, Turkish patients report lower comprehensibility of the information and higher additional information needs after the consultation. Participation preferences are almost similarly low in both groups. These results stress the importance of further research on information and participation preferences of ethnic minority patients and of enhancing doctors’ intercultural competencies.