oa Wat is nationaal aan nationale cinema?
Het academische debat in kaart gebracht
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, Volume 38, Issue 1, Mar 2010,
What is national about national cinema? The academic debate unravelled
What is national about national cinema? The academic debate unravelled
The concept of national cinema has been the subject of a heated debate in film studies for almost 20 years. In this article it is argued that the debate should be seen in the light of the discussion on the concepts of nation and national identity. The starting point is Higson’s pioneering article ‘The Concept of National Identity’ (1989), identifying four views on national cinema (i.e., art cinema, textual, productional and consumptional approach). A fifth approach is being formed by the antipode of national cinema: post- or transnational cinema.
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