oa Filmbeleid in Vlaanderen en Denemarken: een comparatieve analyse
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, Volume 38, Issue 2, Jun 2010,
A comparative analysis of contemporary film policy in Flanders and Denmark
Flanders and Denmark are highly comparable regions, particularly regarding their film sectors, which makes it interesting to compare their success and to take a closer look at the policy towards feature film support in both regions. This research focuses on the year 2007 and is based on an analysis of film policy documents and facts and figures about the Flemish and Danish film sectors.It turns out that the Danish government allocates much more money to the direct support of feature films than the Flemish government does. In addition, there are some important structural differences in their film policies. While Denmark chooses to support artistic and commercial films via separate support systems, Flanders has one support system for both types of film. Regarding the success of the films, we see that Danish films attracted a bigger domestic audience and won twice as many prizes on international film festivals than Flemish films.