oa Vertrekken vrouwen sneller uit topfuncties dan mannen?
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, Volume 28, Issue 2, Jun 2012,
Do women often withdraw from top positions?
The number of women in higher positions in the labour market is slowly growing. So far, research has focused on the causes of the low level of influx of women in top positions. Outflow of women from these positions has so far rarely been studied. Newspaper articles give the impression that women relatively often withdraw from top positions. This article compares the numbers of women entering into and withdrawing from top positions. Results based upon different data files show that the number of women entering is higher than the number of women withdrawing. Results show that in all labour market sectors, the share of women in the outflow is (slightly) lower than their share in the inflow. In addition, the share of women in the outflow is almost everywhere lower than their share in the current top positions. The conclusion is that the representation of women in top positions is not negatively affected by early withdrawal.