oa Facebook als corporate-communicatietool voor bedrijven?
Een inhoudsanalyse van de communicatiestrategieën van gereputeerde Belgische bedrijven op de sociale netwerksite
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, Volume 43, Issue 1, Mar 2015,
Facebook as a corporate communication tool for companies? A content analysis of the communication strategies of reputable Belgian companies on the social network site
This study used a quantitative content analysis to investigate how twelve reputable Belgian companies use Facebook as a corporate communication tool. Findings indicate that companies use Facebook more often to post public relations than marketing communication content. The former is also more often shared than the latter. However, the latter creates more engagement in terms of reactions of the company on comments of users. Furthermore, about one fourth of the company posts did not generate any written reactions from users and can be classified as one-way communication. Almost 40% of the posts generated reactions from the users. To conclude, in one third of the cases companies reacted on these reactions of users, and results reveal that this is more often the case when it concerns public relations content than marketing communication content. Reputation score was not able to predict the communication strategy used on Facebook.