Volume 45, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1384-6930
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7286


[Loes Janssen, Britt van Sprang & Marieke Fransen

The effects of sponsorship disclosures on brand evaluations and credibility of bloggers: The role of two-sided messages

Nowadays many bloggers include brand or product reviews in their blogs. They are often sponsored by companies to provide a (positive) review on their product. Since many consumers are unaware of these sponsorships they can be perceived as misleading. To guarantee fair communication the Dutch social media advertising code states that when blogs are sponsored it has to be revealed. The present study examines the effects of sponsorship disclosures on trustworthiness of the blogger and brand evaluations. Moreover the effect of type of review (one versus two-sided) is investigated. It is expected that two-sided reviews might diminish the anticipated negative effects of sponsorship disclosers on trustworthiness and brand evaluations. Although the interaction effect between sponsorship disclosure and review type was not observed, the results do reveal that the negative effect of sponsorship disclosure on brand attitude and buying intentions is mediated by a decline of trustworthiness of the blogger. Moreover, a two-sided blog review (vs. one-sided) has a positive effect on brand attitude and buying intention, which can be explained by increased trustworthiness of the blogger.

Keywords: blog reviews, sponsorship disclosure, trust, brand evaluation

, Mariska Kleemans, Niek Bosma & Rebecca de Leeuw

Prosocial music in the Top 2000: A content analysis of prosocial expressions in English and Dutch lyrics

This study investigated the presence of prosocial expressions in popular songs. To this end, Dutch (n = 184) and English (n = 1696) lyrics from the Dutch Top 2000 of 2015 were content analyzed. Results showed that only 2.2% of the songs contained prosocial expressions. Most of these expressions were related to prosocial behavior of helping others. Prosocial actions of comforting and sharing were less present. Moreover, results showed that songs that are listed higher in the Top 2000 included somewhat more prosocial expressions, particularly with regard to helping others. This exploratory study forms a basis for future research into the presence and effects of prosocial music.

Keywords: prosocial music, prosocial behavior, lyrics, content analysis

, Nadine Bol

How to present online information to older cancer patients

This article describes how online information can be optimally presented to older cancer patients. Specifically, it describes how illustrations and videos influence website satisfaction and recall of online cancer information, the underlying processes explaining those relationships (i.e. attention and narrative engagement), and the role of age and age-related factors. By combining theories from communication science, cognitive aging, and educational psychology, this article overviews seven studies using experiments as well as survey and eye-tracking methodology in which 973 healthy adults and 540 (ex-)cancer patients participated. The studies presented in this article provide new insights into how to present online cancer materials in such a way that older patients can effectively process online cancer information. The article shows conditions under which illustrations and videos can be effectively used in online communication with older cancer patients, and describes the implications of the findings for communication theory and practice.

Keywords: older patients, online cancer information, illustrations and videos, recall of information, website satisfaction

, Lies de Kimpe, Annelore Deprez & Sarah van Leuven

Online news (still) in transition? Content analysis of the use of hypertext, multimedia and interactivity in Flemish online news

A decade ago, research showed that news organizations rarely incorporated external links, audiovisual content and interactive features in their online news coverage. This can be regarded as a missed opportunity to democratize the news and to offer consumers more context and involvement with the news. This study provides a necessary update of this topic by exploring, by means of a quantitative and qualitative content analysis (N = 469), to what extent Flemish newspapers De Standaard and Het Laatste Nieuws in 2016 integrate hyperlinks, multimedia content and interactive services in their news websites. The results show that only 7% of the used links are external. More than 77% of the articles fail to combine text with multimedia aspects. The interactive elements available, offer users little say in the production process. Consequently, it can be concluded that news organizations still do not take advantage of the opportunities hypertextuality, multimediality and interactivity have to offer.

Keywords: hyperlinks, multimedia, interaction, online newspapers, journalism


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