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A successful direct replication of Van Kleef, G. A., De Dreu, C. K., & Manstead, A. S. (2004). The interpersonal effects of anger and happiness in negotiations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86(1), 57-76
According to an influential study by Van Kleef, De Dreu and Manstead (2004), people make larger concessions when negotiation with an angry opponent than when negotiating with a happy opponent. It is unclear, however, how robust and strong the effect is. There are conceptual replications with similar effects, but also studies that do not find this effect or a different pattern of results. In an independent direct replication we find almost the same pattern of results as the original study. We conclude that the effect is of medium size and robust. Given the recent ‘replicationcrisis’, it is positive that we are able to replicate this study that had a large impact on the field of negotiation.
Keywords: replication, emotion, negotiation, social influence, social contagion
, Isabelle Cuykx & Tim SmitsEnglish, dubbed or subtitled advertising in Flemish and Walloon Belgium. A conceptual replication of Pagani et al. (2015)
Pagani et al. (2015) reported on an experiment in Italy, Spain and Germany where dubbed advertising and subtitled advertising generated better attitudes towards the ad and the brand than original English ads. This paper reports on a conceptual replication in Belgium. Our Walloon subsample is more used to dubbing, like Pagani et al.’s participants, while Flemish participants are not. In contrast to Pagani et al., the Walloon subsample was not more positive about dubbed ads, and no significant attitude differences between advertisement types were found among them. In contrast, the Flemish subsample had more positive attitudes for subtitled and original English ads, compared to dubbed ads. Differences in the appreciation of such ad versions were not explained by the participants’ level of foreign (English) language comprehension. Neither could we attribute such differences to what people are used to as a preferred media style with regard to subtitling or dubbing foreign ads.
Keywords: advertising, dubbing, subtitles, non-native, language comprehension
, Johanna van OostenThe role of audience similarity in online self-expression: a replication study
In an attempt to replicate the experiment by Nekmat (2012), the present study investigated the effects of presenting one’s opinion about a topic to an online audience and the similarity of the audience to the presenter, on cognitive elaboration, learning and attitude change. A sample of 121 students from the University of Amsterdam was asked to either give their opinion about an online blog on ‘sexting’ (i.e., sending nude pictures of oneself to others) to friends (N = 40), strangers (N = 36), or to read the blog without sharing their opinion with others online (N = 45). The original findings could not be replicated on a statistical significant level, but similar patterns were found: cognitive elaboration and learning were highest for self-expression to strangers, followed by self-expression to friends, and lowest in the no self-expression condition.
Keywords: online self-expression, online audience, social media, online communication