Volume 46, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1384-6930
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7286


[Baldwin Van Gorp, Jan Boesman & Mirjam Vossen

Looking for frames in the news, in newsrooms and in the minds of journalists

This methodological contribution reflects on how frames in journalism can form a subject of research. Starting point is the overview of Entman’s four locations of frames: in the head of the author of a message and in that of the public, in a message and in culture. The paper, however, focuses on cultural frames, and looks at the way in which it relates to textual elements in the news, with journalists’ schemata and interactions in the newsroom, for example in editors’ meetings. Concrete methods and techniques are evaluated, and illustrated with examples of recent framing research. It argues for a multi-method approach: content analysis, survey research, in-depth interviews and newsroom observations.

Keywords: frame building, framing, reconstruction interviews, ethnography, news rooms

, Ike Picone

How to grasp liquid news use through digital ethnography

This article aims to explore behavioural data-enriched ethnographic studies as an innovative, interpretative data collection method for research into changing news use. To this end, we first briefly consider the way in which news use has become liquid – mobile, individual and volatile – through network technology and digital media. We then investigate which new methods news editors on the one hand and media researchers on the other hand have already explored in order to capture liquid news. Where do they fall short? Finally, ethnography enriched with behavioural data is presented as a data collection method that combines the monitoring of digital traces of news usage with a qualitative approach and attention to the situational context in which news usage takes place. This article concludes with a critical reflection on how these methodological developments sharpen the relationship between editors and researchers.

Keywords: news use, editorial analytics, ethnography, tracking tools, behavioural data

, Kasper Welbers, Michaël Opgenhaffen & Marie-Christine Janssens

Scrapers, API’s and data-archives: techniques for collecting digital news content

Journalism research increasingly investigates large amounts of digital content, but collecting such content raises technological, legal, and ethical issues. This paper provides an overview of three techniques for collecting digital content (web scraping, API’s and data-archives) in light of legal and ethical considerations. As opposed to existing manuals, our focus is not on teaching how to apply these methods – which requires time that not all researchers are willing to invest – but on their general purpose and limitations, including ethical considerations that cannot be outsourced. The goal is to enable researchers to make informed data collection decisions and, if necessary, to better communicate with hired programmers.

Keywords: digital journalism, text mining, data mining, data collection, content analysis

, Damian Trilling & Jelle Boumans

Automated analysis of Dutch language-based texts. An overview and research agenda

While automated methods of content analysis are increasingly popular in today’s communication research, these methods have hardly been adopted by communication scholars studying texts in Dutch. This essay offers an overview of the possibilities and current limitations of automated text analysis approaches in the context of the Dutch language. Particularly in dictionary-based approaches, research is far less prolific as research on the English language. We divide the most common types of content-analytical research questions into three categories: 1) research problems for which automated methods ought to be used, 2) research problems for which automated methods could be used, and 3) research problems for which automated methods (currently) cannot be used. Finally, we give suggestions for the advancement of automated text analysis approaches for Dutch texts.

Keywords: automated content analysis, Dutch, dictionaries, supervised machine learning, unsupervised machine learning

, Birte Schohaus

Same building blocks, different show: analyzing television program’s using the concept ‘format’

This article substantiates the usefulness of the concept ‘format’ for studying television journalism. Formats contain the different elements of form, content, production and programming, which provides the possibility of analyzing all of these aspects individually, while also studying their mutual connection and impact. Formats are more specific and detailed than genres or subgenres, which makes it possible to analyze and compare specific elements of the shows in an (inter)national context. Using examples of a case study on two Dutch talk shows, this article unravels the building blocks of journalistic television formats and provides a systematic approach to analyze them. With this definition and analysis of television formats, this article sheds light on the different elements out of which formats are constructed, bringing together research of form and content of journalistic television programs.

Keywords: formats, television journalism, talk shows, television analysis, genres


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