oa Summaries
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, Volume 48, Issue 3, Sep 2020,
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The current study examines and compares children’s (ages 7-12) responses to television commercials, online banners, advergames and native advertisements. In addition, children’s cognitive, affective and moral advertising literacy is examined and compared. Furthermore, the current study investigates the moderating role of age. Finally, it is examined how the different dimensions of advertising literacy affect advertising effectiveness. The results show that children are most susceptible to advergames, and are the least affected by television commercials. Moreover, they have most difficulties recalling the brand when exposed to online banners. Children also show more difficulties recognizing and understanding online advertising compared to traditional advertising; however, they do have a good understanding of online banners. In general, children’s level of affective and moral advertising literacy is very low, both for traditional and online advertising. Finally, especially affective and moral advertising literacy make children less susceptible to advertising.