Volume 58, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1876-9071
  • E-ISSN: 2214-5729



The name of Hungarian animation film maker George Pal (1908-1980) is almost unknown, both in his home country Hungary and in the Netherlands. His 110th birthday anniversary passed without any commemoration in spite of the fact that he was a key figure in the Dutch animation film history. In this article I would like to demonstrate why we should see Pal as the founder of the Dutch industrial animation production and which role he has in the research on the cultural relations between the Netherlands and Hungary in the period before the World War II. His influence on the Dutch animation film industry has been hardly analyzed until now. On the base of source research, which adds to the incomplete publications, I would like to prove why the invitation of Pal to the Netherlands in July 1934 had a fundamental influence on the Dutch animation production. Later on, this research will be the beginning of a thorough study of the importance and the network of George Pal in the Netherlands.


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